Recent Replies

  • Replying to: @odd

    @odd they’re not a common sight anywhere unfortunately. It’s still one of the best vehicles to have to me.

  • Replying to: @odd

    @odd 👆🏾 weather noir can be a nice genre…

  • Replying to:

    @mandaris hang in there brother. I went through it twice this year. This needs to end now and “just give the teachers guns too” ain’t the way.

  • Replying to:

    @kandr3s Wayne’s World and Wayne’s World 2 was shot down the street from me; my friends and I were paid to ride bikes in the parking lot of the burger shop scenes. It was really a bike store in our area.

    Terminator 2, Heat and Speed also used the 105 freeway to shoot car chase scenes I saw too.

  • Replying to:

    @kandr3s I was living L.A. in high school when this was in production I saw them shoot the scene on the freeway (was the then under construction I-105) just because my school was nearby. Didn't know what it was for until a year later when I saw the movie and noticed it.

    And yeah, it can't be made again.​

  • Replying to:

    @nsmsn Split the doubleheader! Nice. Well my Cards are done so I’m officially a Dodgers then a Mets fan in that order for the post season

  • Replying to: Split the doubleheader! Nice. Well my Cards are done so I’m officially a Dodgers then a Mets fan in that order for the post season.

  • Replying to:

    @cheribaker @crossingthethreshold We made it though with no issues. Power even stayed on.

    Can't say the same for a few areas around me, or some of the catastrophic scenes I see elsewhere in the region, so I'm humbly thankful and will try and get a care donation out soon.​

  • Replying to: @pratik

    @pratik Ahh, didn't know you were going to stay within the organization. In that case, carry on -- you're doing pretty much what I would do. They go low, you go high and just find very highbrow ways to insult them that they won't get until the exact day +1 you're gone and they can't touch you.

  • Replying to:

    @nerd4cities Gonna watch the video now but 2 questions:

    1. Isn't Agenda 47 a bootleg copy of Project 2025 that sounds even more nefarious given the title gives "Order 66" vibes?
    2. ATL dates solidified yet? Let a brotha know!​
  • @pratik I’d counter with “I’m more than happy to take my accrued vacation and sick leave either monetarily or to shorten my time in-person here.”

    Whenever I give notice, I hand over all projects up to that point immediately because I expect to get let go within 2 days and have PTO paid out anyway.

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    @PixelFed because @dansup is the first guy I met in this space and really helped me “get it”

    @manton because rocks and Manton’s team could innovate along with in bringing AP retroactively to everywhere

  • Replying to:

    @hawaiiboy Still missing DIN5 and OBD2. Can't have em all. LOL

  • Replying to: @paulrobertlloyd

    @paulrobertlloyd oh yeah, I remember racking my brain in middle school around Oct (8), Nov (9) and Dec (10) and wondering how we added 2 extra months somewhere. No internet in 1991 meant a few hours in the library were spent sleuthing… and snoozing I’ll admit.

  • Replying to:

    @paulrobertlloyd I had this same conversation about month abbreviations at work a few years ago. We came up with the best compromise:



  • Replying to:

    @hawaiiboy I'm gonna rip the audio, loop it a few times randomly and make a "sleep track" for myself. Love the sounds of a downpour like this.

  • Replying to:

    @pcora Ditto ditto and ditto!

  • Replying to: @hawaiiboy

    @hawaiiboy My favorite teacher in junior high in L.A. had an Isuzu Pup that was dropped 2” and to this day I’m convinced it’s why my dad bought an ‘85 Toyota pickup and did the same low rider drop and put mags on it. We both used to say how nice that truck was whenever he came up to the school. I miss my daddy’s truck more then him I’ll bet too

  • Replying to:

    @mitchw true— and it was a 5 speed so I had to learn how to drive manual transmission which is a good skill to have.

    But I probably could’ve kept mom’s car going a bit longer than dad’s since those K-cars were built like small tanks.

  • Replying to:

    @mitchw This makes me wonder if my mom's old 1985 Plymouth Reliant K-car is still on the road in the Antelope Valley outside Los Angeles where she sold it to a friend. I really should have kept it but I was barely 16 and dad gave me the Datsun 200SX instead

  • Replying to:

    @news Thanks for dealing with my edge cases!

  • Replying to:

    @news Are GIFs supported?

  • Replying to:

    @evan Now you already know what you should be doing with that newfound "surplus" time; don't act like you haven't thought of it already...

    Just let me know where to point my RSS catcher for the very first installment of Prodromou's Polls Podcast. ✅

  • Replying to:

    @everton137 Did someone in Brazilian media recommend BlueSky as an alternative or simply made an account there and said "Come to bluesky guys!" and that did it? ​

  • Replying to: @tylerknowsnothing