OK, Back to testing some things out here in micro.blog land. I want to take the next week or so and see if I can put the main feed over here.

8-bit pixel draing of a wolf inside a moving truck trailer with cardboard boxes and a stepladder to get inside. Generated by AI
  • As much as I love working with Wordpress for blogging, I have come to realize that I’m more of a microblogger with maxiblogging tendencies.
  • Wordpress coupled with the ActivityPub and IndieWeb plugins are NOICE. And all that works just fine natively over here too.
  • Not sure how importing all my junk and republishing here will work… The short linking will break I’m sure unless I can bug @manton to be bothered looking at the shortlink fields in my tables and making a secondary permalink.
  • Sidenote: It’d be a good idea to get a handle on the permalink structure and having secondary links in micro.blog anyway IMO.
  • I need to see if there’s a way to make a test blog and do the import first, fix what’s broken, then switch over to the finished version by having a temp URL… Like preview and production at my job.
  • Oh, and Bridgy compatiblity things. Some of the crossposting is done on the backend by default I think, but how can I tweak some thangs… 🤔

I can always jump around if things don’t work out the way I want them anyway, right?

(…plus I need to redo the VPS my blog is sitting on and nixify it. )