📍 went
End of the year family RV trip down to Tallahassee to see some friends from Japan we haven’t seen since we moved back Stateside…

I can say that I’ve had the opportunity to witness both a former president and a possible future president that share a similar background as myself, in the same place and time as myself.

🗳️ 🇺🇸
The good thing about Georgia’s record breaking early voting is that my canvassing list is shorter now. Some of y’all still haven’t done it though, so please vote so I don’t have to knock on your door! ✊🏾🚪😉🗳️
It was an easy assignment, a real no-brainer. All you gotta do is just pick the sane, coherent one and stay clear of the strange creeper dancing in the corner by himself.

Well that was a wonderful, eye opening and refreshingly entertaining trip back to my birthplace.
Finally seems like people have found the diamonds in the rough and got their polishing grease ready to go.

Third weekend in September means JapanFest times.
Had a blast connecting with the Japanese diaspora of residents and businesses here around Atlanta with my family and reconnecting with folks from the diaspora in the community.
Did the Sunday afternoon canvass here in Gwinnett Co. GA. I’m seeing a whole lot more of these than I thought I would for this area. Also great conversations with my neighbors. I’m glad I can do my part in educating and motivating my fellow Gwinnecians 🗳️

Made it to Micro.Camp 2024! Here to learn all about how other people are using this service and blogging in general as opposed to spending all the time on “Big Social”. (my first one with as a supporting paid micro.blog member too!) #indieweb #blogging #smolweb (What the heck is micro.camp and micro.blog anyway?)