[eat: 🍽️] when brisket and pasta meet

Ever had slow cooked brisket spaghetti sauce? Coz’ I think I just made it up!

a plate of not your mom's spaghetti, my brisket meat sauce is fire!

I waited a good 15 or so years for this and everything is familiar right down to Appa’s bleats and Sokka’s dry humor.

I don’t care about the critiques. This feels like an old friend came over for a visit and I’m enjoying the hell out of it.

yip yip

This is just a test for webmentions for my main site using an updated comments plugin for threaded replies.

(sorry in advance for the #testing spam! 😓🚧)

Micro.blog double billed me again @help @manton

Thought I was gonna watch the Super Bowl from Las Vegas, instead went to Bikini Bottom and stayed.

Also congrats KC!

I’ll admit, I’m guilty of watching Super Bowls for the commercials in addition to the actual game. My excuse: I used to have a job making TV ads.

I really want to talk about the difference between these two areas here in Atlanta in terms of human-scale livability and urbanism vs traditional planning.

But I’m too tired from work to do that now, so tomorrow.

A Tale Of Two Counties is what I’m calling it in my head right now. Coming tomorrow or Sunday.

The Atlanta suburbs look like this: a place made for cars to live and humans to simply exist. No sidewalk, trafic going 45mph on a two-lane road near houses and parks.Inner-city Atlanta has sidewalks and a connected street pattern for people to walk. Cars are forced to drive slower due to narrow roads. Everything is close by.

Currently reading: Parable of the Sower by Octavia E. Butler 📚

Parable of the Sower by Octavia E. Butler 📚

I’m actually 100/360 pages in. It’s a serious 🐰🕳️ of a page turner so far!

[Previously: 📚want to read: parable of the sower and also Previously.

[Repost] Dave Nanian (@dnanian@mas.to) starrwulfe.xyz
I don’t know who did this, but – man, this is the meme that just keeps on giving

Want to read: Parable of the Sower by Octavia E. Butler 📚

Intrigued by how so many authors kinda predicted our current predicament uncannily. From The Washington Post via Apple News this morning:

A 1993 dystopian novel imagined the world in 2024. It’s eerily accurate. Octavia Butler’s ‘Parable of the Sower’ predicted devastating climate change, inequality, space travel and ‘Make America great again’

Curious to know for the micro.blog faithful— is it possible to have Wordpress pick up something blogged on micro.blog?

I know i could try importing the RSS but I occasionally go the other way and export from Wordpress into here as well so I’m looking for ways to avoid “reblog loops”

…will never not be the song I kick ass in when I want to shut everyone up in a karaoke setting. カラオケなら俺の一番最高セレクション。最近を聞くと新宿にあるのいつも来店に行ったバーの暖かいメモリーを出す。それと帰り道の電車の多摩川を渡す大橋とガタンガッタン音も聞いてくる。

🎧The Real Folk Blues by 菅野よう子 from last.fm

Me looking hella disheveled after getting a giant qtip up my snout. All I wanted was more powerful meds to dam up the waterfall in my sinuses.

  • 👩🏾‍⚕️:“We gotta check you for flu and Covid”
  • 🐺: “Y’all didn’t do that to my wife when she was here a few days ago”
  • 👩🏾‍⚕️: takes out big ass q-tip from quantum space “look up right quick…”

an entire eternity of poking all my childhood memories into mash later

  • 👩🏾‍⚕️: “give it 15 minutes and we’ll know…”
  • 🐺: achooooo!!! “I can’t stop sneezi—“ aaaaachoooo!!!

It’s 2024 and I haven’t added any books to read to my virtual shelf yet. So please give me some suggestions!

I’m open to:

  • sci-fi, especially space opera.
  • spy thrillers
  • fiction involving recent history
  • futurism
  • urbanism
  • anything funny and witty.

🙏🏾 please and thank you!

Currently: Dealing with Ishikawa earthquake related happenings…

This brisket I’m smoking is gonna be good AF tomorrow.

Smoked Beef Brisket Old School Southern Style Recipe. By BBQ Southern Style

I’m doing a brisket for New Year’s and need to save this recipe. I’ll come back and clean it up later with my own twist to it when I’m done….

▶ Video Link


  • SPG (salt, garlic, pepper)

  • onion powder

  • lard

  • mustard

  • that’s literally it.


  • soy sauce

  • water

  • lemon juice

  • red pepper

  • onion powder

BBQ technique

  1. Coals at 300F.
  2. meat is FAT SIDE DOWN. (naw, we ain’t trimmin' $#!+! Fat is where the taste comes from and will render off. It’s GOOD for you.
  3. Baste every hour for 6 hours. Turn meat over on the 3rd hour.
  4. On 5th hour, wrap with foil.
  5. On 6th hour, take out and let rest for about 30 mins.

Finished reading: A Wild Sheep Chase by Haruki Murakami 📚

…this was my first Murakami book and one of the first novels that I read cover-to-cover in its original Japanese back when I was still learning. I should also say I read the other books too (Pinball, Norwegian Wood) but those were the translated English ones…

Bird on a sign on Lake Eola in Orlando, Florida, USA.

a black bird with its wings spread, perched on a post above water. It looks like a cormorant, a type of water bird that can dive underwater to catch fish. Cormorants often spread their wings to dry them after swimming. The image has a lot of contrast between the dark bird and the bright water. It’s a beautiful and captivating photo

(Looks like Thunderbird iconography with its wings outstretched… AI image check says this is a cormorant, but not sure myself; I just saw a cool birdo doin' its thang and 📸! )

…aaaannnddd my last nerve has officially been prodded.

I will be exploring another blogging engine in 2024.

All I did was try to post a picture, and now I get bupkiss.