Currently: Dealing with Ishikawa earthquake related happenings…

This brisket I’m smoking is gonna be good AF tomorrow.

Smoked Beef Brisket Old School Southern Style Recipe. By BBQ Southern Style

I’m doing a brisket for New Year’s and need to save this recipe. I’ll come back and clean it up later with my own twist to it when I’m done….

▶ Video Link


  • SPG (salt, garlic, pepper)

  • onion powder

  • lard

  • mustard

  • that’s literally it.


  • soy sauce

  • water

  • lemon juice

  • red pepper

  • onion powder

BBQ technique

  1. Coals at 300F.
  2. meat is FAT SIDE DOWN. (naw, we ain’t trimmin' $#!+! Fat is where the taste comes from and will render off. It’s GOOD for you.
  3. Baste every hour for 6 hours. Turn meat over on the 3rd hour.
  4. On 5th hour, wrap with foil.
  5. On 6th hour, take out and let rest for about 30 mins.

Finished reading: A Wild Sheep Chase by Haruki Murakami 📚

…this was my first Murakami book and one of the first novels that I read cover-to-cover in its original Japanese back when I was still learning. I should also say I read the other books too (Pinball, Norwegian Wood) but those were the translated English ones…

Bird on a sign on Lake Eola in Orlando, Florida, USA.

a black bird with its wings spread, perched on a post above water. It looks like a cormorant, a type of water bird that can dive underwater to catch fish. Cormorants often spread their wings to dry them after swimming. The image has a lot of contrast between the dark bird and the bright water. It’s a beautiful and captivating photo

(Looks like Thunderbird iconography with its wings outstretched… AI image check says this is a cormorant, but not sure myself; I just saw a cool birdo doin' its thang and 📸! )

…aaaannnddd my last nerve has officially been prodded.

I will be exploring another blogging engine in 2024.

All I did was try to post a picture, and now I get bupkiss.

Just now checking out Lilihub for micro{dot}blog and am gonna wish @heyloura can find time/motivation/money/whatever she needs to make it so it can also post to my Wordpress blog somehow. This is AMAZING WORK!


May you and yours enjoy all 12 herbs and spices during this season of joy.

Been a busy weekend for sure, but personally []{I think the new blog was an upgrade!)

Christmas hits my mom’s living room, 2023 edition

I really love how my mother spontaneously gets into the holiday spirit without fail every year and turns into a red, green, and garland decorating tornado. Instead of civil defense sirens warning you to take cover, you’ll hear Nat King Cole’s rendition of The Christmas Song. 🎄

Never work on anything while drowsy. I just spent 20 minutes making a sweet post about a new development where a tired 40 year old strip mall that’s ³/₄ parking lot is getting turned into a 200 acre dense sustainable affordable housing, parks and commercial development…

Nodded off, and deleted the damn post because my finger was resting on the Cancel button.


Steely gray skies in Tucker, Ga this afternoon while getting the last of the Christmas holiday shopping done.

Random Observations from the Fediverse No.1:

…There are a lot (and I cannot stress this enough,) a lot of really small fediverse instances and they are showing off all the numerous Top Level Domain Names that are out there that I could never think of that many uses for.

…Theres instances that end in .rodeo, .boo, .fail, .hair, .ninja

And my favorite: .ooo as in 🫢

So I’m using abc as a hostname because of course the TLD is .xyz so of course, but also I want to make this the “sidecar” to the main show that goes on over at With that in mind, should I be making categories for “kinds” that you see in some other blogs?

  • namely the Reads, Watches and Listens activities for stuff I’m doing… I think I need to rework how that was done over there and make it more succinct.

  • Then there’s the notes sections. Which acts like a catch-all for random short posts with no title… Conversations into the either.

  • Also the Like, Bookmarks, and Replies sections that’s especially part of the efforts of POSSEing up all the comments and content from around the internet back here.

Also bear in mind the communications features are in both places for first-party integration into the Fediverse; the main one at and running ActivityPub for Wordpress and this one here on So I’ve got double vision.

“The road of excess leads to the palace of wisdom.” ― William Blake, The Marriage of Heaven and Hell

Should I bottle all that up and bring it over here while leaving the “main blog” to host articles, long form content and the like? (Certainly, I need to give it a better coat of paint in the form of themeing; I never got around to actually doing that part as I want to work on the plumbing first…

…Dammit, I don’t even have my categories set for where this post is going to wind up! 🤦🏾‍♂️

Oh this is nice– and answers a question I had about how to go about doing “Easter Egg Articles” that would only get out to the subscribers without needing to collect and house email addresses and other personal info.

in reply to The Underground Blog, only on RSS!

also s/o to for the info!

Well webfinger to certain accounts does indeed work.

Good nite #fediverse and #indieweb peeps, see ya in the morning! 😴

The best brisket I’ve probably ever made in a Crock Pot was had. #fatnessfirst

👷🏾‍♂️ #testing again, sorry! 🚧 OK, lets see if the fediverse is ready for this….