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Watching the ballots being counted in my part of the ATL burbs.
📍 Gwinnett County Voter Registrations & Elections

🗳️ Election Day is finally here 🇺🇸 🙏🏾 If you haven’t, please go VOTE. 🍑 If you’re in GA, polls close at 7pm. You can still vote if you’re in line by then. ☕️ I already voted, so I’m relaxing. 🌊 Gonna be out wearing my favorite T-shirt, 💙 And keeping calm-ala.
(cc: @kamalaharriswin@newsmast.social)

Last canvassing run: knocked on 572 doors since August here in Georgia’s most diverse county, Gwinnett. Lots of good vibes and motivation today. Now to chill until Election Day.

Time to do my last round of canvassing before Election Day. 💙 🗳️ 🇺🇸
<img src=“https://cdn.uploads.micro.blog/133960/2024/90ef8bdcdf.jpg" width=“182” height=“276” alt=“A blue poster features a crown illustration at the top with the phrase “KEEP CALM-ALA AND CARRY ON-ALA” written below.">


I can say that I’ve had the opportunity to witness both a former president and a possible future president that share a similar background as myself, in the same place and time as myself.

🗳️ 🇺🇸
The good thing about Georgia’s record breaking early voting is that my canvassing list is shorter now. Some of y’all still haven’t done it though, so please vote so I don’t have to knock on your door! ✊🏾🚪😉🗳️
Oh yeah, forgot to say we have a cat now too. Meet Marcy! 🐈
Engagement bait: Pet Bands Overexposed Doggo f/ Floofcat
It was an easy assignment, a real no-brainer. All you gotta do is just pick the sane, coherent one and stay clear of the strange creeper dancing in the corner by himself.

How can anyone listen to this fool and think “yeah, HE is the leader I want for my nation”
He’s a 78 year old criminal with no new ideas and nothing but divisive rhetoric, lies and garbage instead of policies. I’m about to head out and vote against his ass and I hope you do too.

Well that was a wonderful, eye opening and refreshingly entertaining trip back to my birthplace.
Finally seems like people have found the diamonds in the rough and got their polishing grease ready to go.

Doggo relationship right now:
❤️ his energy, personality and enthusiasm. 👎🏾 his love of finding literally any shoe in the house and pretending it’s a bird kill or something.
We’re a shoes off house 😩 Whoever had him before us clearly gave him shoes to play with instead of proper dog toys.

RIParadise John Amos.

Gonna tell my kids this is Tokyo Tower. #randomTokyo

My Monday ain’t hitting right at all.

Welp, y’all wish me luck! ⛈️ 🌀